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A Solar Park in a field area of Starokozache, Ukraine, with the FCDO and SHIELD logo in the top right corner.

SHIELD: Strategic Hydrogen Integration for Effective Low-carbon Development in the Ukraine

Photo above: Starokozache Solar Park by Andrew Kravchenko is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 / Logos added to original

SHIELD logo - comprising of the letters in SHIELD and with the H being green as well as two Ukraine flag coloured balls in an infinity symbol.

Strategic Hydrogen Integration for Effective Low-carbon Development

The SHIELD project is an FCDO-funded research initiative exploring the role of green hydrogen and ammonia in Ukraine’s energy system.

Team members in SHIELD sat around a wide table with laptops and notebooks, in conversation.

Our Team

Our multidisciplinary team brings together experts from the University of Oxford, University College London, Imperial College London, and the Technical University of Munich, in collaboration with the Kyiv School of Economics.

Map of Ukraine with markings and a key to describe the markings in terms of "power plants" and "transmission and substations".

Our Work

This project aims to produce reports and academic articles to support decision-makers and stakeholders.